20/09/2019 12:39
Please be advised the diving team have been onsite this morning and carried out the inspection. They have confirmed that the cill is intact and therefore navigation will resume at 2pm today, reverting back to normal operation hours.
Our survey team will need to carry out an additional sonar scanning next week and a short restriction will be required. A notice will be published for these works once dates are confirmed.
Following an engineering inspection at Saltersford Lock on the Weaver Navigation, we have noticed an issue with the cill. To ensure the safety of our customers, we have been advised to suspend navigation through the lock.
Navigation will be closed at Saltersford Lock until our diving team can carry out a detailed underwater inspection. We anticipate the team will be onsite Friday, 20 September.
An update will be provided once our engineers have been able to assess the issue fully, following the underwater inspection.