25/09/2019 15:10
We are pleased to advise the stop planks have been removed from Bridge 52 and 53 on the Macclesfield canal following a successful repair to the culvert.
The Bosley Flight will be unlocked by 4pm today allowing navigation to resume.
23/09/2019 16:05
Our contractors have carried out substantial leakage repair works over the weekend and are on schedule to be completed this week. Whilst we continue with works onsite this week, we will then allow for a day of demobilisation and monitoring to make sure the repair has been successful. With this in mind, we anticipate navigation will resume Thursday, 26 September.
An update will be provided Wednesday 25 September.
19/09/2019 16:18
Please be advised our contractors have ordered the necessary materials to repair the culvert, these will arrive on site tomorrow.
To ensure the safety of our customers, navigation will remain closed today.
We will be allowing passage through the affected area tomorrow morning.
We politely request all customers wishing to pass through the area, Bridge 52, Crowholt Bridge to Lock 11 on the Bosley Flight, to arrive promptly to ensure passage.
The stop plank will be removed from Bridge 52, Crowholt Bridge at 8am.
The team will then go to Bridge 53, Locketts Bridge to remove the second stop plank.
Whilst the team assist at the bridges, volunteers will be on the Bosley Flight unlocking the flight at 8am. Any customers wishing to go up the Bosley Flight need to be at Lock 11 when the flight opens at 8am to allow sufficient time to pass the entire area before the stop planks are reinstalled.
The local team and volunteers will remain onsite to assist with customers navigating through the area.
At 11am prompt, the stop planks will be reinstalled at Bridge 52 and Bridge 53 and the water level will be lowered to be able to carry out the repair. Padlocks will also be placed back on Locks 1 and 11 on the Bosley Flight.
Navigation will then remain closed until the repair is complete, we anticipate this will take up to 7 days. Further updates will be provided as the works go on.
19/09/2019 13:06
The repair to the culvert has been more difficult than anticipated. Our engineers and contractors are continuing discussions to organise the best method for a successful repair. Whilst these discussions are ongoing, navigation will remain closed.
A further update will be provided by 5pm today.
18/09/2019 12:44
Please be advised our contractors are onsite working with our team to repair the leak. Navigation will remain closed whilst we continue to repair and monitor the issue.
An update will be provided tomorrow morning.