03/07/2020 15:31
Unfortunately, we have continued to encounter significant difficulties on site at Lock 12, Hazelhurst, which have resulted in delays to completion of the repair works.
Following safety concerns regarding the bridge abutments, the dam had to be removed and re-installed in a different location before we could de-water the section and continue work on installing the new bottom end lock gates. Repairs are also now required to further stabilise the bridge abutments.
We now expect to complete the repairs and re-open the navigation by 24th July.
Please note the towpath will be closed during the completion of these works.
We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this delay may cause and thank you for your patience.
16/06/2020 16:38
We are very pleased to confirm we have been able to re-start the repair works at Lock 12, Hazelhurst Bottom Lock. This will enable us to complete the fitting of the new bottom end lock gates before installing the refurbished lock tail bridge and re-opening the navigation on Friday 10th July.
Please note the towpath will be closed during the completion of these works.
We would like to thank you for your patience and ask you please to continue following Government advice regarding coronavirus.
27/03/2020 17:21
After further consideration, we will not be able to complete the works at Lock 12 whilst complying with current Government restrictions and guidelines.
Our priority is to keep our workforce and customers safe at all times. As a result, work on site will cease until further notice and the navigation will remain closed. The lock will remain out of water and stop-planks will be inspected daily.
Customers are asked to move only if essential to reach services and to follow Government guidance at all times.
Thank you.
26/03/2020 15:21
Customers are asked to only move if essential to reach services and to follow government guidance at all times.
26/03/2020 14:53
Due to Government restrictions and guidelines for construction sites regarding coronavirus, the stoppage at Lock 12 will be extended by one week, until 17th April.
This will help our staff to work safely in order to complete the essential works required.
Please follow advice on the Trust's website https://canalrivertrust.org.uk/enjoy-the-waterways/safety-on-our-waterways/coronavirus
Thank you.
05/03/2020 15:59
The stoppage at Hazlehurst Lock on the Caldon Canal will need to be extended to the 9th April 2020. The adjacent accommodation bridge has suffered partial collapse & will need to be demolished. These works will need to be completed before the fitting of the bottom end lock gates can resume.
Further updates will be provided once the demolition programme has been finalised.