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The charity making life better by water

Trust shortlisted for Tesco award

The Trust, is urging people in Coventry to vote instore for a project to improve wildlife rich hedgerows along the Coventry Canal as part of the Tesco’s ‘Bags for Help’ campaign.

Narrowboats next to bridge on Coventry Canal

The scheme, which is run by Tesco and environmental charity Groundwork, uses the proceeds generated from the sale of carrier bags in stores, to create or improve green spaces in communities and local projects.

If successful the Trust, will work with local volunteers to improve and restore sections of historic hedgerows along the Coventry Canal – some of which are 200 years old.

As well as greening up the canal and creating new habitats the project will also include removing invasive and overgrown weeds, planting up gaps in existing hedgerows, ‘laying' sections of hedgerow to keep the hedge in good health and planting extensions to existing hedges to link into nearby woodlands and other green open spaces.

Linda Butterworth, from the Trust, said: "Our waterside hedgerows are teaming with life and provide vital green links for animals and insects. They shelter all sorts of animals and birds from predators and provide a rich larder of bugs and berries.

"Winning this Tesco vote will make such a difference and we hope local people, who love the waterways and want to improve habitats for wildlife, vote for this project."

Voting begins instore from 31 October until 13 November. Customers choose which project they'd like to get the top award using a token given to them at the check-out in store. The result are due to be announced at the end of November.

Last Edited: 25 October 2016

photo of a location on the canals
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