Railway Bridge, Rough Hills Stop, Wolverhampton, Birmingham Old Mainline Canal


From Date: 29/02/2016 08:00

To Date: 04/04/2016 17:00 inclusive

Type: Navigation Closure

Reason: 3rd Party Works

Is the towpath closed? Yes


Closest waterway: Old Main Line

Starts at: Railway Bridge, Rough Hills Stop

Ends at: Railway Bridge, Rough Hills Stop


AMCO on behalf of Network Rail will be replacing the railway bridge deck and repairing the bridge abutment. To facilitate the works, canal and towpath closures are required during the 8 week project. 

The towpath will be restricted for 2 weeks from 29/02/16 where a floating pontoon walkway will be installed to facilitate the towpath side works. The towpath will then be closed for 3 weeks from 14/03/16 with diversions in place. 

The canal will be closed for 2 weeks from 21/03/16 to open traffic. However during this period there will be two open windows every day between 9am to 10am and 3pm to 4pm for boaters to pass.

Although Banksman will be utilised to manage members of the public and canal traffic, care should be taken whilst passing through this section.