Bridge 29 - 30 Peak Forest Canal


From Date: 20/09/2015 19:30

To Date: 25/09/2015 17:00 inclusive

Type: Navigation Closure

Reason: Information

Is the towpath closed? No


Closest waterway: Peak Forest Canal

Starts at: Bridge 29, Bank End Bridge

Ends at: Bridge 30, Carrs Swingbridge


25/09/2015 14:10

We are pleased to confirm that the Peak Forest Canal has reopened. 

Over the last 3 days we have been pumping a special expanding polyurethane grout into the embankment to stabilize it and have significantly reduced the leakage here.

Thank you for your patience while we have been dealing with this problem.

24/09/2015 15:16

Following the completion of the inspection on site today we are starting to put water back into the canal between bridges 29 and 30.  We will be monitoring this as the water level rises.  If all goes well the canal will be open from tomorrow morning (Friday).

23/09/2015 14:14

The Trust have successfully implemented control measures between bridges 29 and 30.  Stop planks have been installed and grouting has taken place which has had a significant impact to leaks.

Further investigation is now required in the area of a mine adit (a culvert taking waste water from an abandoned mine). Water will be pumped out of this section of the canal starting from 1200hrs Wednesday and over Thursday for further inspection of the canal shoulder. 

We expect following the investigation that, we will aim to be able to re-water the canal and re-open the canal again on Friday,

We aim to confirm this on Thursday afternoon.

22/09/2015 16:02

Investigations and repairs are still continuing, we will review the position in the morning.

Canal remains closed, stop planks are currently installed with warnings signs on the approach.

21/09/2015 16:55

Canal & River Trust staff and Contractors have been working on site today, to slow and reduce the leakage, further investigation is required in to the Canal bed which will take place tomorrow.

We will issue a further update later tomorrow afternoon.


We are losing water between bridge 29 and 30 and further investigations will be carried out tomorrow, Monday 21st September.  Please do not moor between these bridges until further notice.

An update will be issued tomorrow when we have more information.