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We want to play our part in helping children look after their health and wellbeing.

We believe in the power of outdoor learning and that spending time in the green and blue spaces that surround us can help boost our mood and reduce some anxieties. These pages are designed to provide you with some tools to help tackle the subject of wellbeing with your pupils. Through a range of outdoor learning activities, we hope to equip children with an understanding of the importance of wellbeing and assist them in managing their own emotional health.

Take notice with mindfulness

Watch Helen lead us through a mindfulness activity to get started

Learning beyond the classroom

Outdoor learning is a widely available and cost-effective way to deliver a wide range of positive health and wellbeing benefits for children. We work with a range of partners to promote the benefits of outdoor learning and to support teachers to take their learning outdoors. The Council for Learning Outside the Classroom is a national charity that champions all learning that happens beyond the classroom. Their website offers a huge range of support for teachers. Using a provider of their Quality Badge gives you peace of mind that they have been assessed for their quality of risk management and their education provision.

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