A trip to Coventry Basin offers a unique experience for schools to discover their local area. There's plenty to learn about from waterside wildlife, sensory walks and historic canal architecture. Situated in the heart of the city, it marks the start of the Coventry Canal.
The great canal engineer, James Brindley, designed the Coventry Canal in 1768. This location has seen many exciting changes, including hosting many art performances during the City of Culture.
Pre-visit virtual workshops (KS1 & KS2)
Water Safety
Learn how to spot the hazards of being near water, what to do in an emergency and our SAFE message (Stay Away From the Edge).
Introduction to Rivers and Canals
An introductory workshop to give some context before a waterside visit. Learn the difference between canals and rivers and how they are used today.
Our virtual pre-visit workshops are a great activitiy to set the scene before a waterside visit. Each workshop lasts 30 minutes for KS1 and 40 minutes for KS2.
Workshops on site at Coventry Basin
Build a Canal
Understand how and why canals were built, how they changed Britain and how canals are different to rivers. We provide an interactive way of discussing local industry and how the arrival of the canals shaped the landscape.
Load the Boat
Develop a clearer understanding of the factors affecting whether something sinks or floats. Children take the challenge of loading a model boat with cargo, trying not to sink it!
Heritage Trail
A journey of discovery, unearthing the secrets of the local area through first-hand observation of the canal and buildings which surround it. Children learn how to make their own memories of Coventry Basin. It's a great activity to support wellbeing.
School Plastics Challenge
Pollution in the form of plastic continues to be one of the greatest environmental challenges. Not only does litter affect our canals and rivers but 80% of the plastic in our oceans comes from litter dropped inland.
Our education volunteers lead the children on a towpath litter pick and discuss the impact of litter through a timeline activity. Children learn about the problem of littering on the waterways and the environmental principle of ‘Reuse, Recycle, Reduce'.
Learning Resources
Use the following resources to support learning on your trip and back in the classroom:
Facilities are minimal, with a public toilet and area for coaches to drop off the class outside the canal basin entrance.
Visits to Coventry Basin are FREE!