Canal & River Explorers

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    Gear ratio experiment

    Have a go at our gear ratio experiment to understand more detail about how cranes use mechanical advantage in different ways to suit different loads and situations

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    STEM: mechanical advantage activity plan

    Use this activity plan to guide children's learning about mechanical advantage.

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    Understanding hydraulics

    An introduction to hydraulics with simple experiments you can try yourself.

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    STEM hydraulics activity plan

    Use this activity plan to guide children's learning about hydraulics.

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    Birmingham's Canals postcard competition

    This competition focuses on the links between Birmingham’s canals, leisure and well-being. Pupils make and illustrate a picture postcard. The best four postcards received by 5th March 2021 will be printed and sold by Canal & River Trust to raise funds for the Trust and enable work to continue with local schools, families and communities.

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    Birmingham's Canals Activity Pack: Notes for teachers and leaders

    This resource focuses on two classroom based challenges designed to teach KS2 children about Birmingham’s canals and their 250-year-history of transport and leisure.

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    Birmingham's Canals Activity Pack: Pupils

    These notes and activities will help pupils to complete two challenges linked to their local canals in and around Birmingham.

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    Pascal's principle & force

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    Design a water safety poster

    Using your knowledge about water safety, we would like you to design a water safety poster explaining to others how to be safe by canals and rivers.

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    Week of Wellbeing - KS1 Feelings Tracker

    Pupils can record and compare how they feel at different times. They can start to understand the things that make them happier and the importance of wellbeing.

Showing results 161 to 170 of 214