Canal & River Explorers

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    Poetry and postcard activity pack

    This resource focuses on two classroom based challenges. CHALLENGE 1 focuses on the chocolate trade in Birmingham and encourages children to write a poem about chocolate. CHALLENGE 2 invites children to make and illustrate a postcard after a visit to their local canal.

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    Canal corridors

    Put on your wellies and go for a muddy walk along the towpath and try this experiment to find which plants 'travel' easily.

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    Blackberry mess

    Go foraging along your local canal or river for blackberries and then make this delicious pudding.

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    Learn the language of narrowboats

    Learn the different parts of a narrowboat and then see how many you can remember when you visit a canal.

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    Minibeast hunt

    See if you can find which minibeasts live in different habitats.

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    Killer Conkers

    Search your local canal or river for conkers and then organise a tournament.

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    Cook up some chutney

    In autumn, wild blackberries are plentiful along towpaths. Pick them to make this delicious spicy blackberry chutney.

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    Helicopter seeds

    Sycamore tree seeds are sometimes called helicopters. They have ‘wings’ so that they spin when they fall to the ground. Make your own paper seed helicopter with this template.

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    Leaf crown

    Collect fallen leaves and make a crown fit for a king or queen!

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    Waterways Today - The Big Green Draw

    Read the selected chapters in this topic pack to learn about canals today to help you design your canal of the future as part of The Big Green Draw activities.

Showing results 141 to 150 of 214