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Documentation, monitoring & completion

Pre-works documentation and your construction proforma

We will need to review your Detailed & Construction submission - Part 1 & 2 prior to you commencing works to ensure you have satisfied the criteria. Whilst it is helpful for us to understand your full construction programme for each stage, the key elements we are concerned with are identified below. We encourage you to liaise with us as you develop your scheme so that we can agree solutions with you as you progress. For more information on working with us, the information we require to make our appraisals and our contractual requirements, you should refer to the Our Application Process section of this website.

  • Excavation of the void
  • Lining system
  • Edge details
  • Earthworks
  • Sealing / site isolation arrangements
  • Connection to our network
  • Bank protection to the adjacent waterway (if required)
  • Construction of towpath over-bridge (if required)
  • Statutory approvals

Method statement

Your method statement should demonstrate how you will ensure that the integrity of the existing waterway is maintained. This should include the detail of how you will excavate the void and construct your scheme, and examine the operational impact of the construction of the connection to our network. The method statement should also describe in detail how the connection to the waterway is to be undertaken in dry conditions.

The method statement should deal with issues relating to the prevention of construction site pollution (and pollution of the adjacent waterway), site safety and, where constructed on the towpath side of the waterway, how the towpath will be diverted around the construction works and adequately protected. Because of the age of our structures, vehicular loading and the use of craneage will not usually be permitted on the towing path or immediately adjacent to the off-side waterway wall/bank.

The provisions of the Construction Design and Management (CDM) Regulations apply to the construction of mooring schemes, including the need to segregate the construction site from the public. Public access from the adjacent waterway may be a particular issue in this respect. Methods of working (and risk assessments for works directly affecting us) will need to be developed in accordance with the CDM regulations

Construction programme

This should provide the detail of the stages and timing of the construction. This will need to identify issues associated with the need for a stoppage (refer to Construction - Timing and canal closures), the ability for us to pass any water through a complete stoppage, the programming required to fit in with our National Stoppage Programme and also the identification of any additional consequential costs arising.

The programme should allow a minimum of 14 days for the required stilling test, which tests water tightness (refer to Design - Performance Criteria).

You are advised to build in adequate time for materials sourcing and testing.

Detailed structural plans and design certificates

The relevant detailed structural plans and design certificates should be included in the Detailed Design & Construction Phase Submissions. Where information is not received prior to works being undertaken, we may ask you to prove the integrity of the works by providing information outstanding, evidence of in-situ testing or retrospective testing to confirm compliance with design requirements and our performance specification.

Our appraisal of your Detailed Design & Construction Phase Proforma

Our review of your Detailed Design & Construction Phase Proforma will take the form of a report and letter.

Works affecting our waterway cannot proceed until we have confirmed the following conditions:

  • Detailed & Construction submission - Part 1 & 2 requirements have been satisfied
  • Statutory approvals have been granted
  • You have entered into a Network Access Agreement and any other necessary legal agreement with us (refer to Our Application Process - Legal agreements)

We will continue to liaise with you after the approval and during construction, for example at a pre-works meeting, site inspections, etc.

Construction monitoring

Prior to starting any construction activity that directly affects the navigation, it will be necessary to hold a pre-commencement meeting in order to satisfy us that all safety, technical, operational and environmental issues have been adequately addressed.

During the course of the construction of your mooring scheme we require regular site visits by our staff. We will wish to make inspections at the key stages to verify the actual site conditions and to confirm that construction is being carried out in accordance with the plans in your Detailed Design & Construction Phase submissions (Detailed & Construction submission - Part 1 & 2).

As stated earlier we are particularly concerned with excavation of the void, lining, edge details, earthworks, site isolation arrangements, connection to our network, bank protection to the adjacent waterway (if required) and construction of towpath over-bridge (if required).

Where a liner is used, you will have to satisfy us that a suitable quality control regime is adopted throughout the construction phase to demonstrate the integrity of the completed works.

Arrangements for inspections will need to be made with the appropriate staff, usually our local engineers with whom you will have been liaising.

In the event of any unforeseen conditions occurring on site during the construction, such as the discovery of springs under the excavated basin resulting in the need for a drainage blanket to be installed, you may need to modify your specification for the works. We will endeavour to agree an appropriate solution with you as quickly as possible.

Post-works documentation and completion procedure

On completion of the works, and following a successful stilling test, we will issue you with a completion statement.

Any relevant operating arrangements for the mooring site which affect our operation of the waterway will be recorded to form the basis of ongoing operational liaison. Where there is any interface with our operating equipment, the relevant procedural and technical protocols will be documented. When the works have been completed to our satisfaction, we will issue a letter to confirm this and will initiate payments as detailed in the network access agreement.

You may also wish to refer to Your scheme - Opening and operating, which contains more information for when your site is open.

Last Edited: 02 April 2024

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