Oxford Canal - Lower Shuckburgh to Oxford


From Date: 07/02/2014 09:15

To Date: 10/02/2014 10:00 inclusive

Type: Navigation Closure

Reason: Water resources

Is the towpath closed? Yes


Closest waterway: Oxford Canal

Starts at: Bridge 104, Shuckburgh Road

Ends at: Lock 46, Isis Lock


10/02/2014 09:39

10.02.2014 - This notice has been replaced with two new notices regarding navigation between Nell Bridge Lock & Aynho Weir Lock, and Shipton Weir Lock & Bridge 223.


Following the exceptionally high rainfall over recent days, we have flooding in a number of areas. Please see details below.

The oxford summit is currently +188mm and rising, all flood defences are open but levels are continuing to rise.

The canal is in flood at Lower Shuckburgh and over the towpath.

Banbury Lock pound level is currently +228mm and the lock is impassable, all four paddles are raised.

Nell Bridge – river Cherwell is currently + 651mm and is impassable

Shipton – river section in flood and impassable

Shipton flood gate is now closed 

The flooded river Cherwell is currently flooding across the towpath and into the canal at Kings Sutton, Aynho weir lock, Somerton and Lower Heyford. 

All information will remain current until further updates