WAVE (Wern Adoption Volunteer Effort)

Wern Adoption Volunteer Effort grew out of Rogers roaming Friday group, who have mostly been together for 4/5 years working wherever needed on the Monty and Llangollen. A feature of the Monty are the nature reserves, created as havens for aquatic plant life when the Monty eventually reopens to boat traffic.

Wern adoption volunteer effort

Wern Claypits reserve opened 20 years ago, but only received irregular attention and a visit by Dave and Helen last July, prompted Helen to suggest adopting it, as it's only 15 mins. from home. Dave agreed and having already done the relevant training, became Lead Volunteer.

Sara the ecologist drew up a Management Plan and the winter was spent clearing willow from the waters edge to allow the light back in and keep leaves out. Hopefully this will improve the water quality and general access.

Monthly work parties involving all the Friday group, plus a couple of locals, have made a huge difference, which has been much appreciated by the local dog walkers and nature lovers. In addition to improving the aquatic side of the reserve, bird boxes and habitat piles have been installed and areas of scrub cleared, to allow the many plants that were recorded there a chance to recover.

The summer will be spent painting benches and fences and improving the path where necessary. All the volunteers have enjoyed the chance to make a real difference, in the knowledge that they will be able to continue the work in the future, for the benefit of wildlife and people.

WAVE have contributed over 350 hours of volunteering since October 2016

Dave & Helen Eakins