Audlem Lock 15 Gardeners Group (ADAPT)

At Lock 15 on the Audlem flight, garden plots have been worked for many years. In 2015 an adoption scheme was set up between the Trust and ADAPT (a local community sustainability group) - Lock 15 Gardeners Group.

The aim was that the volunteer group would garden an area beside the lock using ecological methods whilst enhancing the area as a welcome point for visitors to Audlem. Our first year saw a group of eight members work the area producing combination of flowers, fruits and vegetables and also establishing a woodland wildflower area.

In the coming year, our aim is to develop “Companion Planting” using compatible flowering plants alongside the vegetables. In this way, we hope to provide nectar for insects like bees and butterflies, which are important pollinators.

Thus, planting nasturtium among runner beans detracts aphids from the beans. This eco-friendly way of pest control means we do not have to use chemical control methods.

Plans to renovate the lockside hut will also hopefully lead us to be able to provide a proper welcome centre to boaters and other visitors.