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Waterway Wall Repairs, Lock 1, Top Lock, Hertford Union Canal

Starts: 19 April 2021 08:00 am

Ends: 21 May 2021 05:00 pm inclusive

Type: Navigation Restriction

Reason: Maintenance

Is the towpath closed? Yes


Closest waterwayHertford Union Canal
Starts atLock 1, Top Lock
Ends atLock 1, Top Lock


29/04/2021 17:09

Due to unforeseen circumstances, an extension is required in order to finish the waterway wall repairs.

In addition, can we please ask all customer to disengage your engines when passing the dam above lock 1, to prevent your propellers from getting trapped in the plastic sheet.


Please be advised that a dam is being placed within the navigation at lock 1, top lock, to allow contractors to repair a section of the waterway wall.

The towpath will be closed in the vicinity of lock 1, but the remaining towpath will be open.

The navigation will remain open, but we ask all customers to pass this area with care.

photo of a location on the canals
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