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Silt build up- Between Ickles Lock & Rotherham Lock

Starts: 16 April 2021 03:00 pm

Ends: 1 September 2021 10:00 am inclusive

Type: Advice

Reason: Information

Is the towpath closed? No


Closest waterwaySheffield & South Yorkshire Nav
Starts atIckles Lock
Ends atRotherham Lock


01/09/2021 13:59

Contractors have now completed the dredging works between Ickles Lock & Rotherham Lock.


A flood siltation bar has accumulated in the River Don navigation between Ickles Lock & Rotherham Lock.

Canal & River Trust have undertaken a hydrographic survey of the area opposite the New York Stadium( Rotherham United football ground) and we are arranging for dredging contractors to undertake the removal of the flood deposits in the area.

Can skippers of all craft please approach the area with caution and maintain their craft towards the towpath bank side of the navigation just off the centre channel.

A further update will be provided no later than 31st May 2021.

photo of a location on the canals
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