Bascote Staircase Lock 14-17


From Date: 23/06/2019 10:30

To Date: 06/08/2019 15:54 inclusive

Type: Advice

Reason: Boat damage

Is the towpath closed? No


Closest waterway: Grand Union Canal

Starts at: Lock 17, Bascote Lock 4

Ends at: Lock 14, Bascote Top Lock


06/08/2019 15:54

We are pleased to announce that our team have now repaired the lock and the canal is back operational again.

24/06/2019 17:36

We are pleased to announce that our team have now repaired the lock and the canal is back operational again.


A boat passing through the staircase has caught the gate cill between lock 14 and 15, causing damage to the cill and making the lock inoperable. We have therefore needed to close the canal between Locks 14-17.

Assessment is taking place and staff will be on site Monday 24th June 19 in order to attempt to affect a temporary repair to allow the lock to reopen. Further updates will be made as soon as information is available.